
Jimmy Armson

Date of birth: 22 January 1990


Jimmy reunited with Kevin Wilkin for the third time when he signed for the Bucks in the summer of 2024. He had previously played under him at Nuneaton Town (Borough) and Brackley Town.

A former England C international, Jimmy has earned promotions with Nuneaton and Solihull Moors and an FA Trophy winners’ medal earned in 2018 with Brackley, giving him an enviable record of enjoying success at every club he has represented.

Jimmy gained a reputation for his ability to score goals from midfield, often spectacular or significant strikes. Although he had many suitors, some in the professional game, Jimmy’s work away from football was a factor in him staying loyal to Brackley. He played close to 350 games for the Saints, scoring almost one hundred goals into the bargain, a rate of one roughly every three and half games.

His decision to leave the Northamptonshire side to join the Bucks was viewed as another significant move by the Bucks in their bid to regain Step 2 status.

Season Stats





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