
Montel Moves On

After discussions with manager Kevin Wilkin, we can confirm that Montel Gibson, last season’s top scorer, will leave the club.

Montel has received an offer to play at Step 2, and although Kevin was interested in retaining Montel, the striker’s desire to play at a higher level meant that keeping him at the SEAH Stadium ultimately proved unworkable.

Kevin emphasised that the parting of ways with Montel was arrived at mutually:

“Montel has had an offer he wishes to explore, which is understandable. I don’t feel any bridges have been burnt, which leaves the door open for us to work together in the future, and he leaves with my thanks for his contribution during my time at the club.”

The Bucks manager also clarified that despite Montel’s departure, other players are close to agreeing to terms for the 2024/25 season.

Montel Moves On

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